
Beholder monster
Beholder monster

  • Mystic Blast: 10 Range: 4 APs. Does only killing damage and has no effect unless it kills target.(represents “Death ray”.).
  • Cell Rot (ML): 06 Range: Normal. Only affects living creatures.
  • Paralysis (ML): 12 Range: 3 APs. Bonus: Turns person to Stone, and has a permanent duration. The Beholder can turn a person back to flesh at will. Many sorcerers will be able to undo the effects as well. The Sidekick supplement has the Petrification power, which can also be used here.
  • Hypnotism (ML): 14, Control: 12m Range: 5 APs Limited to “monsters”. Also, see limit above for number 3.
  • Hypnotism (ML): 10, Control: 8m Range: 5 APs Limited to humans and near human humanoids. Pure AD&D note: For a greater “AD&D” flavor limit this to convincing the person that the beholder is their best friend, most trusted confidant etc, and then the beholder has to persuade the person to do whatever the beholder wants them to do.
  • Telekinesis (ML): 03, Misc Bonus: Telekinesis can be used to add to the Beholders OV to resist physical based attacks. (So someone trying to hit a beholder often has to overcome the beholder’s OV of 8, if the beholder chooses to use its TK to deflect the attack.).
  • (Most eye beams are clearly visible to the unaided human eye.)

    #Beholder monster skin#

    Iron Will: 04, Full Vision: 08, Skin Armor: 02, Claws (Bite): 04,Flight: 05 (Move is 3, Flight can be subbed as OV without costing a dice action – Beholders are quite maneuverable within a small range.įlight is Form Function, being achieved through manipulation of naturally occurring gas produced within the beholder’s body. Tell me more about the game stats Beholders Dex: 02 They could also be yet another of the myriad number of alien races already present in the DC universe. How does the idea of a Beholder Green Lantern strike anyone ? In the standard DC universe, Beholders would almost certainly be a race of demons, and only encountered when summoned by sorcerers. It is possible that one might attempt to take over a group by using its powers of control/hypnotism. They can be quite persuasive, if needed – unlike most warmongers, they do have a keen knowledge of how others think and feel. However, Beholders love knowledge, and will often master several academic fields. They have a huge fanged mouth, and the larger ones are capable of swallowing a human.īeholders are nasty, vile, and hate other species with a passion. Only beholders are due any consideration in life, and only beholders that look like the beholder in question. All other life forms are fit only for food or slaves. Variant Beholder types are to be destroyed. Only a variant beholder called a “hive mother” can force beholders to tolerate each other. Hive Mothers often create variants on standard beholders. These beholder abominations are generally only found in the vicinity of a Beholder hive.īeholders are large (6-8 ft diameter) floating orbs. They have one large central eye, and 10 smaller eyes on eye stalks on the top of their bodies. Their skin is warty and knobbed.

    beholder monster

    Beholders are solitary creatures. Being hermaphroditic they don’t even have to associate with other Beholders to reproduce – and most don’t. (Though rare ones will mate with a fellow beholder).

    Beholder monster